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Yu-Gi-Oh - Gude kort

Der findes en del falske gudekort i omløb, men disse er garanteret ægte. Vær opmærksom på, at bagsiden på gude kortene er (og skal være) anderledes end de normale Yu-Gi-Oh kort, se her.

Vi har fået fat i nogle få Super flotte !!!

Yu-Gi-Oh! Legendary Collection 2010

Her kan du købe alle 3 Gude kort samlet.

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Super rare - billede i glimmer

ORCS-ENSE2 The Winged Dragon of Ra    
The Winged Dragon of Ra
ORCS-ENSE2 Super Rare
 NY 60 kr. UDSOLGT

Ultra rare - glimmer med tekst i guldtryk

Slifer the Sky Dragon LC01-EN002 LC01-EN001 Obelisk the Tormentor LC01-EN003 The Winged Dragon of Ra
Slifer The Sky Dragon
LC01-EN002 Ultra Rare
  60 kr.
Obelisk The Tormentor
LC01-EN001 Ultra Rare
 60 kr. 
The Winged Dragon of Ra
LC01-EN003 Ultra Rare
 NY 60 kr. UDSOLGT
 Brugt 40 kr. UDSOLGT
Slifer The Sky Dragon
GBI-001 Ultra Rare
345 kr.
Obelisk The Tormentor
GBI-002 Ultra Rare
345 kr.
The Winged Dragon of Ra
GBI-003 Ultra Rare
345 kr.
  Klik for større billede  
  Obelisk The Tormentor
JUMP-EN037 Ultra Rare
Ny version
med normal bagside.

125 kr. SOLGT

Secret rare
- glimmer med tekst i diamant
Slifer The Sky Dragon
 YMA-EN001 Secret Rare
 NY 345 kr. SOLGT
Obelisk The Tormentor
JMP-EN004 Secret Rare
 NY 345 kr. SOLGT
The Winged Dragon of Ra
DOD-001 Secret Rare
NY 345 kr. SOLGT
Klik for større billede Klik for større billede Klik for større billede
Slifer The Sky Dragon
GBI-001 Secret Rare Promo
 NY 325 kr. SOLGT
Obelisk The Tormentor
GBI-002 Secret Rare
 NY 325 kr. SOLGT
The Winged Dragon of Ra
GBI-003 Secret Rare
 NY 325 kr. SOLGT
Beskrivelser fra kortene:
Slifer The Sky Dragon
This monster requires 3 tributes to summon (treated as a Special Summon). Slifer's ATK and DEF is X000, where X is the number of cards in your hand. Whenever an opponent summons or special summons a monster to the field face-up in ATTACK POSITION, that monster's ATK is decreased by 2000 points (if this reduces the ATK to below 0, the monster is destroyed). Whenever an opponent summons or special summons a monster to the field face-up in DEFENSE POSITION, that monster's DEF is decreased by 2000 points (if this reduces the DEF to below 0, the monster is destroyed).
Obelisk The Tormentor
This monster requires 3 tributes to summon (treated as a Special Summon). Sacrifice 2 monsters: Destroy all of your opponents Monsters on the Field and inflict 4000 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points.
The Winged Dragon of Ra
This monster requires 3 tributes to summon (treated as a Special Summon). Ra's ATK and DEF are equal to the total ATK and DEF of all 3 monsters sacrificed to summon it. Reduce your life points by 1000 to destroy any monster on the field. Pay any amount of Life Points and increase Ra's ATK and DEF by the amount of Life Points paid.
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